Table Linens

Enjoy an immersive experience of fine dining with our exquisite collection of luxury table linens. A product of pure magic, its natural weaves are an ode to the fine craftsmanship of our artisans. Pure, elegant, and refined, this linen tableware will transform your dining experience and allow you to taste richness. Savour this feeling of pure opulence and indulge in a memorable dine-time Live Linen’s handcrafted table linens.

Table Linens



Enhance Your Taste For Finesse – Choose Live Linen’s Remarkable Linen Tableware

Celebrate Your Ornate Dining Experience with Our Pure Table Linens

The joy of having good food is amplified when it is served with love and wholesomeness. Our table linens, woven with the purest of linen fabrics, take it up a notch and offer you the most refined dining experience. Beautiful, artistic, and skilful, our hand-crafted table linen textile and accessories will surely charm your hearts for the years to come. From napkin sets and tablecloths to placemats and table runners, all our products contain the natural goodness of linen.

Charm Your Guests with a Hearty Feast and Luxury Table Linens

A delicious feast spread over a pristine set of table decor is a sight to behold. Set the table with your exquisite collection of fine china and wine glasses. Trust our linens to bind them all together and offer you underrated home luxury. Cosy and relaxed, this setting is a moment of pure celebration.

Relish in delight and savour every moment of dining over Live Linen’s pure table linens – A statement in elegance and simplicity.

Savour the

New Collection!

Tune in today to find your perfect summer
style and enjoy moments of poetic reverie.

Savour the

New Collection!

Scoop inside the Live Linen loop.
Stay connected to everything that's happening on our sets. Tune in today
to find your perfect summer style and
enjoy moments of poetic reverie.